Traveling missionary exhibition, temporary exhibition, 2/7–30/7/2020, author: Misijonsko središče Slovenije
Slovenians, new times are coming, temporary exhibition, 22/6–30/11/2020, author: Historical Archives Ljubljana
Branko Žunič: Hope, sculptural exhibition, 12/6–28/11/7/2020, authors: Branko Žunič in cooperation with Društvo likovnega ustvarjanja Ribnica
Jože Trontelj, temporary retrospective exhibition as a part of 20th Festival Stična, 23/11–7/12/2019, organizer: KD Stična
"Oglo in oglato", art exhibition, 7/11–17/11/2019, authors: JSKD OI Ivančna Gorica, Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Slovenes along the White Nile: Ignacij Knoblehar and his collaborators in Sudan in the mid-19th century, temporary exhibition, 22/8–22/9/2019, author: Marko Frelih
The life of Baraga, embedded in lace, lace exhibition, 17/5–22/6/2019, authors: Klekljarska skupina Žnurce iz Trebnjega
In the embrace of sound and image, art exhibition, 1/10/2019, authors: JSKD OI Ivančna Gorica, Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Where the past meets the present - European Heritage Days 2018, art exhibition, 27/9–21/10/2018, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, Irena Potočnik
Slovenian refugees in Austria after 1945, photographic exhibition, 6/9–4/11/2018, author: Rafaelova družba, Središče Slovencev v zamejstvu in po svetu
"Ljubezni vere, in miru in sprave, ne brani se je vere Bogomile...", temporary exhibition, 8/5–16/9/2018, author: Tadej Trnovšek
Terra Sancta 1910: the largest Slovenian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, temporary exhibition at Dom sv. Jožefa Celje, 14/2–1/4/2018, author: Marko Frelih
Baba wa Bambuti: Visit of missionary and anthropologist Paula Schebeste to Slovenia in 1933 and his African collection at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, temporary exhibition, 21/12/2017–3/4/2018, author: Marko Frelih
The Stična urbaria from 16th century, temporary exhibition, 7/12/2017–2/4/2018, author: Tadej Trnovšek
A long history of the urbaria, temporary exhibition, 7/12/2017–2/4/2018, authors: Matjaž Bizjak, Stane Granda, Mojca Horvat, Danijela Juričić Čargo, Janez Mlinar, Gordana Šövegeš Lipovšek, Dejan Zadravec, Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec
Marija Tratar: Sacral architecture, temporary art exhibition, 18/11/2017–2/2/2018, organizer: KD Stična
Why is the field lake?, temporary art exhibition, 26/9–1/11/2017, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
A hundred anniversary of the Fatima Lady, temporary exhibition, 12/5–13/10/2017, author: Tadej Weilguny
Arma Christi or each carries his own cross, temporary exhibition, 30/3–3/9/2017, author: Barbara Trnovec
"Pusti, naj te nosi voda…", temporary art exhibition, 30/9–9/10/2016, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
Stična Abbey during the First World War (1914–1918), temporary exhibition, 1/9–31/10/2016, author: Tadej Trnovšek
In the hinterland of the Isonzo Front, temporary exhibition, 1/9–31/10/2016, authors: Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana, Pokrajinski arhiv Nova Gorica, Pokrajinski arhiv Koper, Gornjesavski muzeja Jesenice in Tolminski muzej
Echoes of Africa: Society St Peter Claver for African missions and its activities in Ljubljana in the first half of the 20th century, temporary exhibition, 15/7–28/8/2016, author: Marko Frelih
Sister Hermina (Justina) Pacek –the first photographer among the Sisters of Charity (1931–2016), temporary exhibition, 9/6–18/9/2016, author: Dejan Vončina
Sit hic museum! 10 years of the Slovene Museum of Christianity and 33 years of museum activities in Stična, temporary exhibition, 19/9–5/11/2016, author: Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Terra Sancta 1910: the largest Slovenian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, temporary exhibition at Zavod sv. Stanislava in Ljubljana, 25/11/2015–8/1/2016, author: Marko Frelih
Darja Srebnik and Franci Jaušovec - Fric, temporary art exhibition, 21/11–5/12/2015, organizer: KD Stična
Save us, o Lord from palgue, hunger, and armies! Carniola in the first year of the Great war, temporary exhibition, 15/10–5/11/2015, author: Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana
Give me a glass full of light, temporary art exhibition, 25/9–4/10/2015, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Goric and Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Jošt Snoj: Paintings, temporary art exhibition, 18/6–6/9/2015, author: Jošt Snoj
Heavenly thread: Heritage in textiles: Baroque pluvial and its conservation, temporary exhibition, 28/5–14/6/2015, authors: Eva Ilec and Irena Potočnik
France Slana and Rok Slana, temporary art exhibition, 22/11–19/12/2014, authors: France Slana, Rok Slana, organizer: KD Stična
Roman Empire: a Mirror of the Contemporary Globalized World, temporary exhibition, 24/10–16/11/2014, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
Heritage goes to schools: Days of European Cultural Heritage 2014, temporary exhibition, 30/9–12/10/2014, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
The light that illuminates: the crib in the Gothic wax cathedral, the monastic work, temporary exhibition, 23/6–28/9/2014, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, fr. Bernard Rajbar, Tadej Trnovšek, fr. Branko Petauer
Novine Slovenske Krajine, temporary exhibition, 5/6–31/8/2014, authors: Stanislav Zver, Lojze Kozar jr.
I Lors I trust. God's servant, the Bishop of Ljubljana, Anton Vovk (1900–1963), temporary exhibition, 23/4–3/6/2014, authors: Blaž Otrin, France M. Dolinar
Paraphrase, quotation and appropriation, temporary art exhibition, 27/9–7/10/2013, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
Amulets of will and happinesstemporary exhibition, 27/9–7/10/2013, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
St Cyril and St Methodius - Slavic/Slovenian Apostles, temporary exhibition at Pokrajinska in študijska knjižnica Murska Sobota, 15–30/9/2013, author: Tadej Trnovšek
Terra Sancta 1910: the largest Slovenian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, temporary photographic exhibition, 8/8–22/9/2013, author: Marko Frelih
Manuscripts in Czech libraries, temporary exhibition, 18/6–7/7/2013, author: Embassy of the Czech Republic
St Cyril and St Methodius - Slavic/Slovenian Apostles, temporary exhibition, 16/5–1/9/2013, author: Tadej Trnovšek
Reformation in Prekmurje, temporary exhibition at Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, 30/10–15/11/2012, author: Franc Kuzmič
Simon Kajtna: Paradisiacal Garden, temporary art exhibition, 18/10–18/11/2012, author: Simon Kajtna
Growing Book in Stična, temporary exhibition, 20/9/2012, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Face in the crowd, temporary art exhibition, 27/9/2012, organizers: JSKD Ivančna Gorica and Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Icons - a touch of eternity,temporary art exhibition, 28/6–29/7/2012, author: Albina Nastran
Illustrations of the book Goat trial in Višnja Gora, temporary art exhibition, 29/5–1/9/2012, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Gorica
An altar tablecloth for Lurd, temporary exhibition, 24/5–15/6/2012, author: Tanja Oblak
Reformation in Prekmurje, temporary exhibition at Slovenski dom v Monoštru, 11/5–11/6/2012 , author: Franc Kuzmič
Ljubljana Diocese - 550 years, temporary exhibition, 17/4–20/5/2012, author: Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana
Reformation in Prekmurje, temporary exhibition at SAZU, Ljubljana, 7/2–24/4/2012, author: Franc Kuzmič
Ivan Grohar's Sacral Works: on 100th anniversary of the artist's death and the 110th anniversary of Grohar's work for the Trnovo Church in Ljubljana, temporary art exhibition, 16/12/2011–16/1/2012, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Reformation in Prekmurje, temporary exhibition at Spominski dom štefana Küzmiča v Puconcih, 29/9–23/10/2011, author: Franc Kuzmič
Forest as a place of fairy utopia, temporary art exhibition, 27/9–23/10/2011, organizer: JSKD Ivančna Goric
Nikolaj Beer: The headlines of evangelical calendars and images of Christ, temporary art exhibition, 14/9–16/10/2011, author: Robert Inhof
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition at Erbergov paviljon, Dol by Ljubljani, 12/8–28/8/2011, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Reformation in Prekmurje, temporary exhibition, 18/5–18/9/2011, author: Franc Kuzmič
Via dolorosa, temporary art exhibition, 7/4–8/5/2011, author: Mira Ličen Krmpotić
Memory of the Great Lakes: Upon the 180th Anniversary of the Arrival of Missionary Frederic Ireneus Baraga in America, temporary exhibition, 23/12/2010–28/7/2011, author: Marko Frelih
Collage, temporary exhibition, 29/9–1/11/2009, organizrs: JSKD OI Ivančna Gorica, Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Fr. dr. Metod Turnšek (1909–1976): on 100th anniversary of the birth, temporary exhibition at Minoritski samostan na Ptuju, 25/9–1/11/2009, author: Milan Dolgan,
St Paul - the greatest missionary of Christianity, temporary exhibition at Frančiškanski samostan na Brezjah, 8/9–25/11/2009, author: Tadej Trnovšek,
St Paul - the greatest missionary of Christianity, temporary exhibition, 18/5–30/8/2009, author: Tadej Trnovšek,
Fr. dr. Metod Turnšek (1909–1976): on 100th anniversary of the birth, temporary exhibition, 21/2–30/8/2009, author: Milan Dolgan
Recycling and Dump of Humanity, two temporary photographic exhibition, 22/11–6/12/2008, authors: Tanja Kovačič and Lea Jazbec
In Touch with the Saints: The Role of Relics in Slovene Christianity, temporary exhibition, 6/11/2008–16/8/2009, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, Darko Knez,
"Rimarije mladih in stiški rokopisi", temporary exhibition, 25/9–26/11/2008, organizers: JSKD OI Ivančna Gorica, Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem
Crown, bread and roses, temporary exhibition, 15/5–28/9/2008, authors: Marko Košan and Jürgen Römer
No-motion: listen with your eyes, temporary exhibition, 7/2–9/3/2008, author: Silva Omerzu, organizer: JSKD OI Ivančna Gorica
Art works of Metoda Umek and Janez Zupančič, temporary art exhibition, 24/11–8/12/2007, authors: Metoda Umek in Janez Zupančič
Fr. Gabrijel Humek (1907–1993); Cistercian and academic painter, temporary art exhibition, 13/11/2007–2/3/2008, authors: Jana Cvetko and Darja Srebnik
Virida Visconti in the tradition of donation to church institutions in the Habsburg monarchy, temporary exhibition, 2/6–18/11/2007, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Jesulus Pragensis: Infant Jesus of Prague and other wax figures at the Slovenian Religious Museum, temporary exhibition at Slovenski etnografski muzej, Ljubljana , 7/12/2006–28/1/2007, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Art exhibition of Olgica Pakovska, temporary art exhibitiona, 25/11/2006, author: Olgica Pakovska
Pater Simon Ašič (1906–1992): herbalist of the 20th century, temporary exhibition, 7/9–3/12/2006, author: Sabina Velikanje
Women's education within church institutions, temporary exhibition, 15/8–15/10/2006, author: Nataša Frelih Polajnar
Jesulus Pragensis: Infant Jesus of Prague and other wax figures at the Slovenian Religious Museum, temporary exhibition at Loški muzej, škofja Loka, 15/6–17/9/2006, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Matej Metlikovič: Illuminations,temporary photographic exhibition, 31/3–31/7/2006, author: Matej Metlikovič
Water, likovna razstava v okviru 6. Festivala Stična, temporary exhibition, 3/12/2005–10/1/2006, author: Likovno društvo Ferdo Vesel iz šentvida pri Stični
Otipljiva zrelost / A tangible maturity, temporary photographic exhibition, 19/9–30/9/2005, author: Kees van Eyck
Jesulus Pragensis: Infant Jesus of Prague and other wax figures at the Slovenian Religious Museum, temporary exhibition, 9/9–31/12/2005, author: Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Cribs from here and there, temporary exhibition, 3/12/2004–2/2/2005, author: Jana Cvetko
The wealth of the young, temporary exhibition, 20/11–4/12/2004, organizer: KD Stična
Photographers view, temporary exhibition, 26/8–19/9/2004, author: fr. Branko Petauer
New discoveries in the cloister of the Stična Abbey: a contribution to Romanesque art in Slovenia, temporary exhibition, 27/8–1/12/2004, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, Mateja Kavčič
"Vžgan s plamenom tvojih ran", temporary art exhibition, 12/3–30/4/2004, authors: fr. Branko Likar, Marko Bitanc
Art exhibition of Darje Srebnik and Umetniška zadruga, temporary art exhibition, 20/11/2003, authors: Darja Srebnik, Mihaela Ciuha, Irena Potočnik, Ana Zavadlov, Elena Fajt Velikonja
Slovenian missionaries around the world, temporary exhibition, 31/10–30/11/2003, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, Jana Cvetko
Religious communities in Slovenia, temporary exhibition, 29/8–29/9/2003, authors: Darja Srebnik, Marko Okorn, Jana Cvetko
Sacral fine arts of the 20th century, temporary exhibition, 30/6–17/8/2003, authors: Nataša Polajnar Frelih, Darja Srebnik
Stična with nature in four seasons, temporary photographic exhibition, 20/6–30/9/2003, authors: FD Grča Kočevje
Cross path of academic painter Josip Rochus Pongrat, temporary art exhibition, 31/11–10/4/2002, authors: Josip Pongrac, Ervin Potočnik, Darja Srebnik
Art exhibition of academic painter Darja Srebnik, temporary art exhibition, October–November 2001, author: Darja Srebnik
Art exhibition of Marija Tratar, temporary art exhibition, October 2000, author: Marija Tratar
An exhibition of works of academic painter France Slane, temporary art exhibition, September 2000, author: France Slana
Exhibition of works by Slovenian artists, temporary exhibition, June 2000, organizer: Krščanski festival v Stični
"I did not remember yet", temporary art exhibition, September–December 1999, author: Jože Trontelj
900 years of the Cistercian Order and 100 years of resettlement of the Stična Abbey, temporary exhibition, April 1998–March 1999, authors: Hubert Patzelt, France Baraga
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition at Slovenski kulturni center Korotan in Vienna, November 1998, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition at Franciscan monastery in Novo mesto, May 1998, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition in Moravče (Kulturno-izobraževalno društvo v Limbar), March 1998, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition at Pokrajinski muzej Kočevje, June–March 1998, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition at Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana, 14/10/ 1997, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Friderik Irenej Baraga - Holiness in action, temporary exhibition, 18/6/1997, authors: Marko Frelih, Nataša Polajnar Frelih
Exhibition of the Holy Images from Brezje, exhibition at the outcome of the book Jana Cvetko: "Marija Pomagaj, zgodovina Brezij na razglednicah in podobicah", May 1996, author: Jana Cvetko
Exhibition of painters from KD Clinical Center, temporary exhibition, 18/6/1995, author: Janez Klun
Monasteries in medieval documents in Slovenia, temporary exhibition, 19/4/1995, author: France M. Dolinar
Stična Abbey 1136–1784, temporary exhibitionv at Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor, March 1995, author: Jože Mlinarič
Exhibition of books on the Cistercian Abbey in Stična, exhibition at the outcome of the book of Jože Mlinarič: "Stiška opatija 1136–1784", 21/3/1995, authors: Jana Cvetko, Marko Okorn
Mary's Holy Images, temporary exhibition, February 1995, author: Mirjam Behek
Retrospective exhibition of the academic painter fr. Gabriela Humeka, temporary exhibition at Dolenjski muzej in Novo mesto, September 1994, author: Ivan Sedej
Art exhibition of painter Jože Trontelj, temporary exhibition, September 1994, author: Jože Trontelj
Exhibition at the 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Jurčič, translations of Jurčič's works from the collection of Ferdinand Kolednik, temporary exhibition, 25/4/1994, author: Jana Cvetko
Stična through a year and through a day, temporary photographic exhibition, April 1994, authors: Jana Cvetko, fr. Branko Petauer
Christmas holy images,temporary exhibition, December 1993, author: Jana Cvetko
Exhibition of Ex Librises, temporary exhibition, November 1993, authors: Društvo ekslibris, Rudi Pavlovec
St Bernard of Clarveaux and the Cistercian monasteries in Slovenia, temporary exhibition, 10/5/1990, authors: Hubert Patzelt, Ingeborg Patzelt
850 years of the Monastery Stična, temporary exhibition, 7/7/1985, authors: Hubert Patzelt, Ingeborg Patzelt