Explore Slovene Museum of Christianity


RISECI is the acronym for Religion in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity. This project is based on the idea that Europe, if it wishes to research its religious heritage, has to start by recognising its legacy. The project offers the possibility for a dialogue in a new context and attempts to connect religious and non-religious traditions.
In the formation of Europe religion and culture played an important role, which was especially noticeable in the period of social changes. In the globalised world religions triggered a landslide of unexpected consequences that influence civil societies in numerous ways.
Religion is a source of sense, which of course means that it is also the source of European sense. This project tries to merge fields in which religion played an important role, as well as fields in which the religious factor is less important or non-existent.
The goal of the project is to offer new views on the debate of the holy, the new technologies, cultural heritage and the idea of Europe. The project is conceived as a cooperation of various partners from geographically distant locations throughout Europe, which makes it easier for us to understand this phenomenon not only from the local perspective but also from a broad and truly European perspective.

On Tuesday, 14th April 2015, a one day international symposium took place within the RISECI project. At the symposium nine lecturers from Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Slovenia tried to answer the question how the monastic lives of the Benedictines, Carthusians and Cistercians influenced art and in what sense could the latter be called »European art«. For more on the symposium entitled "The Role of Monks in the Shaping of European Cultural Identity in the Case of the Benedictines, Carthusians, and Cistercian" please visit this link
The project is supported by the European Union and its Culture programme.
The fourth meeting of the project partners in Stična, 3rd October 2014
The new interactive application at the permanent exhibition of the museum, 3rd October 2014
First meeting in Barcelona, 14th June 2013, Observatory Blanquerna